Aumsville Historical Society was incorporated in Oregon in 1978. A few years later it became inactive. In 1995 it was reactivated. Officers for 1996 were elected and meetings were scheduled. A Constitution and Bylaws were adopted. Later, a 501-c-3 tax status was established.
The objectives stated in the Constitution are to stimulate interest in the history of the Aumsville area by preserving historical materials related to the settlers and the Native Americans, to conduct educational events, and to exhibit the artifacts. The establishment of a museum was a primary goal. This became a reality in 2009 when Aumsville city staff and the police department moved into a new building and AHS leased the small, brick building, which had been used as Aumsville City Hall since 1971. Many items of local interest had already been donated to AHS, so the museum was well-stocked when it opened. AHS continues to receive Aumsville-related artifacts and the museum collection continues to expand.
AHS has always participated in local events by staging short-term displays. Field trips were made and the findings were reported to the society. There is co-operation with Aumsville's civic organizations and the schools, as well as other historical groups in the area.
The basic AHS schedule is to hold meetings in Aumsville's community center at 6:30 PM on the second Thursday of February, March, April, May, June, October, November and December. The details are subject to change due to circumstances, such as non-availability of the building, bad weather, or a special event, such as a holiday outing instead of a December meeting. Changes are always publicized as soon as they are known. Some meetings have been very memorable. Some very interesting guest speakers have made presentations. At a December meeting and potluck several years ago, the power went off when everyone was preparing to eat. After a few dark minutes, members brought in battery-powered lanterns and other portable light sources and the dinner continued.
In 2004 AHS issued the first edition of "A HISTORY OF OUR COMMUNITY". This book is sold out, but a copy can be read in the museum. In 2011 "THE CENTENNIAL OF INCORPORTION AUMSVILLE OREGON 1911-2011" was published. It features a map of Main Street and nearby areas. The histories of the various sites are chronicled. Site 25 is the old brick building. It was built in 1912 as a bank, has had several other business uses, was purchased by the city in 1971 and is now the museum. The centennial book is available in the museum and also from this website. Please inquire.
AHS obtains its funding from membership dues, donations and occasional fundraisers. Annual dues are $10. per person. Visitors are always welcome. Since AHS is a service organization, its members spend countless hours taking care of society business and volunteering in the museum. In return, they meet interesting people and know that they are helping to make Aumsville a good place to live.
The Aumsville Historical Society meets on
the second Thursday of each month
(except December, January, July and August)
at 6:30 pm at the Community Center
555 Main Street Aumsville, OR 97325
Want to become a member? Print out Membership Form and mail it in.
AHS Officers 2019
Ted Shepard (President),
Diana Wullert (Secretary),
Karlene Santibanez (Vice President),
Linda Mills (Treasurer).
AHS members Charlotte Bates, Ted Shepard, Evelyn Fuson, Evelyn Cady, Margaret Mulkey and Karlene Santibanez at Canyon Life Museum at Mill City. North Santiam Historical Society operates this museum in a former Southern Pacific Railroad depot.
Clarence and Audrey Scott of Aumsville have both been speakers at AHS meetings. Clarence served very proudly in the US Navy submarine service during WWII. He has been president of the organization for those sub sailors.
Audrey has Crabtree ancestors who came over the Oregon Trail in the early days. She is also a descendant of Reverend Joab Powell, a well-known circuit rider.
Lorene Mathews with her historical display at the 1997 Corn Festival in Aumsville. Lorene came to Aumsville in 1958. She began to collect local historical items and take photos. She has given them to AHS.
Doris Hutchins designed and built this miniature float of the old brick building for the 1997 Corn Festival.
The brick building under construction in 1912
The Rosenberg brothers opened it as a bank in July 1912. The building has had many uses. Since 2009 it has been the Aumsville Museum and History Center.